YouTube Introduced HTML5 Video Player and It's LIVE

This week we saw YouTube rolled out a new feature called "HTML5". So far, the feature is not available on every video, only on selected videos, and selected web browsers.Basically, what this means for you as a YouTubian, YouTube Videos still Runs on Adobe Flash, but the Introduction of HTML5 video player will allow videos to be viewed without downloading of any necessary plug-in (e.g Adobe Flash) and also what this means, it won't be hogging up your CPU's Speed, which ultimately means Videos will now load WAY Faster :)However, this feature only work well on Apple's Web Browser Safari 4, Google's Chrome and ChromeFrame for Microsoft's Internet Explorer, despite Firfox's and Opera's support of HTML5, it's not available just yet for those two Web Browsers. If you're still unsure, your browser will work with HTML5, check out YouTube's TestTube to verify compatibility.So far, watching videos on Youtube with HTML5 Support, has put a wide smile on my face, from faster loading of the videos to less memory being chewed up, which means multitask without my computer slowing down :)So, I would love to hear what your experience been with using HTML5 on Youtube.Youtube HTML5 Video


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