SMNZ, hashtag, facebook hashtags on facebook

DUM DUM DEE DUM: WE HAVE LIFT OFF.Hashtags have arrived people! Finally! Facebook has given in and followed the-rest-of-the-internet. But wait - do we really want this?I certainly don't.First of all, everyone has been hash-tagging their arses off all day and FYI people - IT'S NOT WORKING YET SO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP! You know it takes 10 years for things to filter down to New Zealand so chill the heck out.Secondly, I like that the use of hashtags on Facebook so far has been ironic. When people do it right I laugh my arse off. Like literally, I am arseless these days from laughing people on Facebook when they do it right, and when they don't.Now that hashtags are about to become a real thing though, I dunno, it just doesn't feel right to me. I understand it will help organise, or if you're Facebook "contextualise" comments. We get it, we all know how hashtags work.I just liked that they weren't on Facebook. And I loved trying to explain the irony of them to my fiancé, who took ages to understand that hashtags on Instagram images have been correctly used on Instagram, and the image has just been shared over on Facebook. Now I won't feel so smart anymore. Sigh.The interweb has been crazy today with stories stories stories. Here is my fav quote so far:"#ugh," says Sam Biddle atGizmodoLet's not forget the most important thing here, which is that aside from current events and strict organization, hashtags are the symbolic vernacular of idiots across the world, who spray them across sentences like a bottle of Cheez Whiz. It is one of the worst, toxic forms of internet pollution. But what can one do? People love hashtags... and Facebook, if nothing else, is about giving the people what they want. [Gizmodo]Totes bro, totes.So Facebook hashtags, what are your thoughts peeps?


2013 Social Media Forum Auckland, June 18-19 Stamford Plaza.


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