Txt lnguge 8nt so bad

Do u fnd ths hrd 2 undrstnd?I find it pretty hard to decipher, but I bet people who read and write in text language all the time don't.Just like New Zealanders ending sentences with 'aye', or Americans spelling 'cosy' with a Z, text language is just another evolution of English that marks people as part of a community.And there are a number of communities on social media platforms who talk in text language all the time - they use numbers, leave off consonants and drop vowels all together.According to University of Lausanne's Professor of English and Linguistics Peter Trudgill (and me), there isn't anything inherently wrong with TXT talk; language evolves and changes all the time."The only languages that don't change are ones that nobody uses any more, like Latin", he wrote in his essay for Language Myths.What would speakers of ye Olde English think of even the most formal of modern prose? They'd probably find it a mess of lazy sentence structure and misused words. Even just five hundred years ago, English speakers pronounced the k in knee; nice meant neat and precise; and awful described something awe inspiring.It follows then that linguistic 'correctness' is constructed by the community speaking it.And that's really the sticky point isn't it? Text language isn't inherently bad. Used in a public forum like Facebook or Twitter, it will, in the eyes of your reader, place you firmly within a community.If you identify with or want to talk to communities who use text language, then go ahead and swamp your social media with it. Tell your pedantic teachers, parents and colleagues that this is your community's written dialect; using it doesn't make you stupid or lazy. Its ur rite!!! ;) lol


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