SMNZ to attend Future of Web Apps Conference in London

 That's right, ladies and gentlemen. I'll be in London in October for the Future of Web Apps Conference (FOWA), and I'll be pumping out some blog posts about some of the most interesting topics, specifically for Kiwis. If you haven't heard of FOWA before, I can tell you its been running for a few years and has a high-profile list of speakers and attendees. Check out their website for more info.The conference is a two-dayer with two different streams. Here are the topics that I'll be attending, so you know what to expect in posts:

  • Bootstrapping Soundcloud's platform - "the bumpy ride from zero to hundreds of apps and millions of users". This one looks especially interesting as Soundcloud is just exploding in usage right now, and I cannot wait to hear more about the way its got to where it is now.
  • Lean product development - "seven tips to reduce waste and build something people want". Again, something I'm very interested in, and a crucial part of startups in 2011.
  • How to pitch your app and get big coverage by MG Siegler of TechCrunch. This one should be very good.
  • The future of location - geo-location has exploded in the last couple of years but where is it heading? I know I want to find out!

Those are four topics you can definitely expect some posts about but I'll endeavour to keep you posted on anything else interesting that I come across at FOWA.Check out the schedule, and if there's something that you are keen to hear more about, leave a comment below to let me know.I'll also be tweeting (obviously) from my personal account (@mmoorejones) and the Social Media NZ account, so you can follow all the action there.


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