SMNZ Future of Web Apps Event Coverage

 Some of you may know that next week I'm heading to London for the Future of Web Apps conference. If you haven't heard of the conference, it's one of the major European tech event of the year. I've watched it with huge interest for the past couple of years, and this year I'm lucky enough to be attending.I'll be covering the event for Social Media NZ, so be sure to keep up to date with the Twitter feed and website to see the event covered. I'm hoping to be able to relate the talks to a New Zealand context, and it's my hope that whether you're an individual in NZ or a business, you'll be able to learn as much as I am by being at the event.I previously wrote a post on SMNZ outlining the talks that interest me most, so you know which stream I'll be watching. The conference runs over two days, and has two separate streams - one covering more of the business/marketing side of web apps, and the other covering the technical development. I'm obviously more interested in the business/marketing side, but if there's a specific talk in the technical stream that lots of you would like me to cover then let me know and I'll be happy to cover it for you!Here's the most interesting talks for me that I'll definitely be covering:

  • Bootstrapping Soundcloud’s platform – “the bumpy ride from zero to hundreds of apps and millions of users”. This one looks especially interesting as Soundcloud is just exploding in usage right now, and I cannot wait to hear more about the way its got to where it is now.
  • Lean product development – “seven tips to reduce waste and build something people want”. Again, something I’m very interested in, and a crucial part of startups in 2011.
  • How to pitch your app and get big coverage by MG Siegler of TechCrunch. This one should be very good.
  • The future of location – geo-location has exploded in the last couple of years but where is it heading? I know I want to find out!

Hope you all have a great week and have time to tune in to Future of Web Apps.


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