Facebook may team up with Foursquare

Just announced by AllFacebook.com, Facebook has revealed they've been talking to Foursquare about a potential partnership. It's surprising that Facebook is talking to Foursquare about this, because they have been trumpeting their in-progress location service they've dubbed the "Foursquare Killer". Foursquare's resume so far has been quite impressive, in terms of monetising their services with businesses: they've partnered with MTV, VH1, ZAGAT, The Wall Street Journal, with many more to come. So really this meeting with Foursquare makes perfect sense, because a partnership with someone who knows what they are doing and piggy-backing on Foursquare APi is a no brainer. The report doesn't reveal much about partnership, but it's for certain that we will be seeing a Facebook Location soon Will location services throw Facebook's Privacy issues into the spotlight yet again or will the potential partnership help the platform smooth things over? Share your thoughts


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