Facebook: the Heidi Montag of social media

What does Facebook and The Hills star, Heidi Montag have in common? They just can't leave their faces alone.This morning Facebook released, yet another face lift and there's already been a lot of negative responses from the community. Time will tell whether it's because people hate change or if it's that the new layout is actually flawed. Although Facebook has successfully navigated these interface updates in the past, it can be a tricky business - Digg.com's decision to 'tweak' some beloved features saw users leaving in droves.Facebook's new profile design is aimed at making the site easier to navigate - the new layout displays user info like  name and home city at the top of  profiles and lets Facebookers create a list of important friends or favourite coworkers. The iconic "write something..." status box is gone, along with the long standing share links, photos and videos box, much to the outrage of some users. Another  particularly unpopular feature is that the photostream, which will now only display photos that other people have tagged you in. It means  any less-than-desirable shots will be wide open for your mum, your boss and your new girlfriend to view.  It will be interesting to see if options for user to control of this stream will be  made available.Users switching over to the new profile are automatically offered a tour of the new update - in the past, users have been expected to feel their own way through new layouts, which can be pretty confusing for the less tech-savvy among us. The new layout will be a welcomed by advertisers too - ads can be clearly seen in the right column and don't get lost among the site design.The new layout is optional - for the moment. Chances are if all goes well, it'll become the norm across the site. Also worth noting is that users who change to the new profile will see it rolled out across all of their pages, including businesses  pages.Try it out at http://www.facebook.com/about/profile/ then let us know your thoughts? Like or Unlike?


Social Media NZ Weekly Wrap-Up 6/12/2010


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