It's time to rate those men in your life ladies!


Rate Rate Rate! Rate away!For too long women have been objectified, vilified, everything-afied. WELL NO MORE! Well actually, still probably, but at least now we can do it back. HA!Alexandra Chong (who is now your new BFF) wants to help straight women all over with their love lives.

Help a chick rate her hot mates - leeeeegend.

Alexandra created Lulu, an app that allows you to leave reviews of the blokes in your life, and search a database for reviews of other men.If you meet a guy at a party and hit it off, admit it: you’re going to Facebook and Google him when you get home. Lulu is the place to do your research. Except we’re not going to bore you with whether he’s registered to vote. No way. Lulu tells you the stuff you want to know: is he a heartbreaker or your future husband? Lulu is the fastest way you can find out if he has a good track record with the ladies.Sounds like a winner to me!You log in through Facebook (which ensures you are a lady - unless you are a really creppy perv who has set up a fake lady account to pretend to be a lady) and away you go. The app allows you to see how users have already rated any of their friends. All reviews are anonymous, and users must specify whether the person they're rating is an ex, a crush, a current partner, someone they've hooked up with, a friend or a relative.You rate the guys on their looks, sense of humor, willingness to commit to women and their best and worst qualities. You are restricted to answering from a drop-down menu so no one can get too mean. The answers range from the positive #AlwaysPays, #RespectsWomen, #CallsOnTime, to the negative #Boring, #GlassHalfEmpty, #WearsEdHardy.It's an interesting concept - treating men like they are just a meal at a restaurant, like meat.Oh wait?


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It’s ski season! - Get your App on!